Quick Facts
Students in India are aware of only 7 career options despite being over 250 paths
Students of class 10th are clueless about their career plan after their exams
Students who took psychometric test in class 10th find it easier to decide their streams further.
Importance of Psychometric Test for Grade 10 Students
Grade 10 is a crucial stage in life, where students decide whether to pursue Science, Commerce, or Arts. Choosing a stream due to peer pressure or external influence is never a wise decision. To make an informed choice and study a field you are truly passionate about, taking a psychometric test is essential. With the help of a psychometric test and career counselling, students can confidently select the right stream.
Stream Clarity
With this test results, students get a clarity of picking a stream based on their passion and preference.
Career Awareness
This test’s result open doors besides doctor or engineering field, helping students find a career in any field.
Skill Enhancement
The test result highlights improvement areas, helping students enhance skills relevant for future.
Interest Alignment
By taking this test, students can pursue a stream that aligns with their interest, and they are passionate about.
How MetaApply Helps?
Take the Test
Profile Evaluation
Decide Action Plan
Constant Mentorship
Our Career Counselling Offerings
Career Guidance
Course & Subject
Career Planning &
Skill Development
Parental Support
& Counselling
Career Awareness
Career Pathway Stages
Class 8-9
Skill Enhancement
Start identifying your strengths and enhance skills accordingly.
Class 10
Stream Selection
Decide the stream you want to pursue as per your preference.
Class 11-12
Entrance Preparation
Create academic plan for clearing your entrance exams.
Class 12+
Career Clarity
Decide a perfectly suited career option based on your preference.
MetaApply Psychometric Test
80% off
Premium Psychometric Test
Skill Development Guidance
Detailed Report
Subject & Stream Selection Assistance
One-on-One Counselling Session
Academic Improvement Tips
1-Year Free Career Counselling
15 Minutes Free Demo Call
Frequently Asked Questions
There is no need to prepare for a psychometric test as it is more of an assessment rather than an examination. This test doesn’t check your knowledge or understanding on topics but judge your personality trait based on how you answer to scenario-based questions. This is a spontaneous assessment helping students make informed decisions.
Yes! A psychometric test can absolutely help you decide a stream of your liking. Through this assessment, you answer question based on your preference, if you are good in math, then you will get career choices as per that. Hence, this will help you decide which stream is better for you to pursue.
Yes! After you have taken the test, you get the result report within 2 hours. In that detailed report, you will find the recommended subjects you should prefer and what are your career strengths. In the career strength section, you will be advised the best suited professions you can pick. A career counsellor will help you better in understanding your career field based on your career strengths.
Once you have taken the psychometric test, and got the result report, you must consult with a career counsellor. You can connect with MetaApply career counsellors to understand your strengths, interests, and suggested career paths. After analysing your options aligning with your dream and passion, you can begin working towards that aim.
There are no good or bad score in a psychometric test because after taking the test you don’t get any score at all. This assessment simply helps students understand their preferences based on their answers. A good result is the one that accurately reflects your abilities and helps you make informed decision academically and for future.